- What would you advise me to do in the future? 你建议我将来干什么?
- Regarding the punishment, what would you advise? 关于处罚, 你有何意见?
- What would you advise me to see here? 你建议我在这儿看些什么?
- What would you advise me to do to settle the differences? 你看我怎么办来消除分歧?
- What would you advise me to do if I met this problem? 如果我碰到这个问题你说我该怎么办?
- What would you advise me to do? 你看我该怎么办?
- What would you advise? 你看该怎么办?
- What course of action would you advise me to take? 您说该采取什么行动步骤?
- What would you like as a starter? 您第一道菜想来点什么?
- What would you do in my position? 你处在我的地位,你怎样做呢?
- Would you advise me to write a letter to her? 你看我该给她写信吗?
- How would you advise me to reply to an invitation? 你说我该怎样答复邀请?
- Which one would you advise me to choose? 你说我挑选哪一个好?
- What if/Say you were to run out of money? What would you do? 假设你的钱用完了呢?你将怎么办呢?
- Would you advise me how to operate the computer? 你能否告诉我怎么操作这台电脑?
- What's your tipple? ie What would you like to drink? 你想喝什麽酒?
- Would you advise him to take up the offer of DTM? 你会不会建议他去DTM找个车手席位?
- What would you give me for my Deutsche marks? 我的这些德国马克可以兑换多少?
- What would you do if you had a helicopter ? 要是你有一架直升飞机你怎么办?
- And what would you like for the main course? 您主菜喜欢吃点什么呢?